On demand webcasts
Our dedicated webcast channel featuring on-demand presentations and Q&A sessions from our investment professionals.

Market GPS Webcast
Watch our investment outlook webcast that took place on Thursday 5 December, which explored market expectations and portfolio implications for 2025.
Where are markets headed in 2025? Which asset class areas are positioned to benefit, and which could struggle? What are the implications for portfolio positioning?
In our Market GPS investment outlook webcast you will hear our equity, fixed income, and portfolio construction experts discuss what they think are the key considerations for navigating markets in 2025.
Global Strategic Total Return Bond – strategy update
Please watch Jenna Barnard, Co-head of Global Bonds and Nicholas Ware, Portfolio Manager on the Global Bonds Team as they deliver a quarterly update on the Global Strategic Total Return Bond strategy as well as sharing their latest market perspectives and outlook. This webcast includes an update on positioning and performance and was broadcast on 24 October 2024.