Janus Henderson
Corporate Debt Index
The Corporate Debt Index is a long-term study into trends in company indebtedness around the world, the investment opportunities this provides and the risks it presents.
Le aziende hanno pagato la cifra record di , 458 miliardi di dollari di interessi nel 2023/24,
in aumento del 24,4% su base annua
L'aumento dei costi per interessi
ha rappresentato un ottavo (12,4%)
dell'utile operativo nel 2023/24
Janus Henderson prevede che i livelli di indebitamento continueranno a salire nel 2024/25, ma a un ritmo ancora più lento,
fino alla cifra record di 8.380 miliardi di dollari (+2,5%)
Bond | A bond is parcel of debt. By buying a bond, investors give money to a borrower, usually for a fixed term and for a fixed rate of interest. Bonds can be bought and sold on financial markets, and the value changes over time with varying market conditions. |
Cyclical Industry | The revenues and profits of an industry rise and fall over the course of an economic cycle. |
EBIT | Earnings before interest and tax, commonly called operating profit. |
Equity | The amount of money left over for shareholders if all a company’s assets were liquidated and its assets sold off. |
Gearing | The ratio of debt to equity finance on the balance sheet – not to the market value of the shares; also called leverage. |
Leverage | The ratio of debt to equity finance on the balance sheet – not to the market value of the shares; also called gearing. |
Net Debt | All borrowings minus any cash or cash equivalents. |
Running Yield | The interest paid on a bond divided by its current market value. |
Volatility | Rapid, unpredictable, changeability. |
Yield to Maturity | The interest paid on a bond divided by its current market value, taking account of the capital gain or loss that will occur when the bond matures and is repaid. |