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Responsibility Report 2023: Investing in a brighter future together

Michelle Dunstan, Chief Responsibility Officer, and Ali Dibadj, CEO, share Janus Henderson’s key achievements from last year across multiple areas including corporate responsibility and ESG investing, aligned with the purpose of ‘Investing in a brighter future together’ with clients.

Michelle Dunstan

Chief Responsibility Officer

Ali Dibadj

Chief Executive Officer

17 May 2024
2 minute watch

Key takeaways:

  • Janus Henderson’s approach to responsibility is making a genuine difference for clients and the communities in which employees live and work.
  • A total of 84% of the firm’s assets under management now integrate financially-material ESG factors, which we believe leads to better risk-adjusted returns for clients.
  • Janus Henderson has held CarbonNeutral® certification for 16 years, employees clocked-up more than 2,600 hours of volunteering in 2023, while Charity Challenge donations took the total to US$1.7 million since inception.

Our ESG integration approach: Thoughtful, practical, research-driven and forward-looking

Sustainable or Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing considers factors beyond traditional financial analysis. This may limit available investments and cause performance and exposures to differ from, and potentially be more concentrated in certain areas than the broader market.



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Le performance passate non sono indicative dei rendimenti futuri. Tutti i dati dei rendimenti includono sia il reddito che le plusvalenze o le eventuali perdite ma sono al lordo dei costi delle commissioni dovuti al momento dell'emissione.


Le informazioni contenute in questo articolo non devono essere intese come una guida all'investimento.


Non vi è alcuna garanzia che le tendenze passate continuino o che le previsioni si realizzino.


Comunicazione di Marketing.






Michelle Dunstan

Chief Responsibility Officer

Ali Dibadj

Chief Executive Officer

17 May 2024
2 minute watch

Key takeaways:

  • Janus Henderson’s approach to responsibility is making a genuine difference for clients and the communities in which employees live and work.
  • A total of 84% of the firm’s assets under management now integrate financially-material ESG factors, which we believe leads to better risk-adjusted returns for clients.
  • Janus Henderson has held CarbonNeutral® certification for 16 years, employees clocked-up more than 2,600 hours of volunteering in 2023, while Charity Challenge donations took the total to US$1.7 million since inception.