On demand webcasts

Our dedicated webcast channel featuring on-demand presentations and Q&A sessions from our investment professionals.

Microfoni Accesi – Macro-update Simon Ward

Registrati alla nuova puntata di Microfoni Accesi in cui proveremo a rispondere ad alcune delle domande più gettonate per i mercati insieme a Simon Ward, Economic Adviser, che offrirà un aggiornamento sulle prospettive macroeconomiche e la rilevanza che queste rivestono per i mercati finanziari, sulla base del suo approccio di previsione distintivo che enfatizza le tendenze e i cicli monetari.

Balancing wealth transfer across generations

In this webinar, Ben Rizzuto, Retirement Director and Jeremiah Buckley, co-Portfolio Manager of the Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, will discuss how financial advisors should position their business for this new generation of investors, ways they can engage with families across generations, and why a Balanced portfolio may be best suited for them.

Brighter days ahead for listed property

Guy Barnard, Co-Head Global Property Equities and Matthew Bullock, EMEA Head of Portfolio Construction & Strategy, discuss the listed property sector and which attributes and subsectors are best positioned to continue to deliver earnings and dividend growth, even as economies slow.