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10 reasons for active management in fixed income

We believe that active management has an important role to play in investment portfolios. Here, we highlight 10 reasons, each supported by a chart, to demonstrate why we believe active management can be desirable when investing in fixed income.

1 Apr 2022

Key takeaways:

  • Time mismatches that can potentially favour the active investor.
  • The potential impact of crowded trades around index changes.
  • The importance of the new issues market and the idiosyncrasies of the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

The first five reasons explore some of the inherent drawbacks that can potentially exist within indices and by extension portfolios that passively track an index. The second five reasons look at some of the distinct alpha opportunities that can exist within fixed income markets.

The document covers topics such as:

  • Time mismatches that can potentially favour the active investor.
  • The potential impact of crowded trades around index changes.
  • The importance of the new issues market and the idiosyncrasies of the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

To discover all 10 reasons, click on the link below.


Janus Henderson Investors

Janus Henderson Investors


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1 Apr 2022

Key takeaways:

  • Time mismatches that can potentially favour the active investor.
  • The potential impact of crowded trades around index changes.
  • The importance of the new issues market and the idiosyncrasies of the over-the-counter (OTC) market.