Japan New Year – non-dealing days in this fund

Please note that we are declaring a number of non-dealing days for this fund. Non-dealing days will be in place from Friday 29 December 2023 to Wednesday 3 January 2024, with dealing resuming on Thursday 4 January 2024. This is due to the ‘New Year’ holiday period in Japan, which will see stock markets and banks closed for several days.


The Fund aims to deliver a return in excess of the FTSE customised Japan Index, the “reference index”, (or such other index as may from time to time replace it) before management fees, while carefully controlling deviation from the reference index. The Fund will invest primarily in shares of Japanese companies included in the reference index. The Fund’s holdings are principally selected to replicate the components of the reference index. The index will not be identically replicated and this can lead to differences in performance. There are no restrictions on the size of the companies in which the Fund may invest. In addition to seeking to reflect the index, the fund manager will make use of investment strategies aimed at enhancing returns. These seek to generate returns based on differences in the prices of securities issued by, or associated with, companies that form part of the reference index. They can include, but are not limited to, liquidity strategies (investing in ‘blocks of stock’ at discounted prices), and relative value strategies (taking advantage of differences between the prices of securities related to the same company. Further details explaining the investment strategies are available on the Funds’ pages on our website (www.janushenderson.com). The Fund may invest the Scheme Property in transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives and forward transactions, deposits and units in collective investment schemes. Derivatives and forward transactions may be used by the fund for investment purposes, in achieving the enhancements to the index return and for the purposes of efficient portfolio management.