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Absolute Return Fund

An equity fund designed to target positive (‘absolute’) returns in all market conditions with lower volatility than the stock market


Quarterly Update

Watch the investment team recap this quarter.

(Note: Recorded in October 2024).


The Fund aims to achieve a positive absolute return over the long term regardless of market conditions, though a positive absolute return is not guaranteed over any time period.

The Fund will typically invest at least 60% of its total assets, by taking long and short positions, in equities or equity related derivative contracts of:


  • companies having their registered office in the United Kingdom; and
  • companies that do not have their registered office in the United Kingdom but either (i) carry out a predominant proportion of their business activity in these markets, or (ii) are holding companies which predominantly own companies with registered offices in the United Kingdom, or (iii) are listed on the London Stock Exchange.

In addition, in seeking to implement the Fund's investment strategy, manage market exposure and ensure that the Fund remains sufficiently liquid to cover obligations arising from its derivative positions, a substantial proportion of the Fund’s assets may at any time consist of cash, near cash, deposits and/or Money Market Instruments. The Fund will invest in companies of any market capitalisation.

Long positions may be held through a combination of direct investment and/or derivative instruments, and short positions will be held through derivative positions, including but not limited to swaps and futures. The use of derivatives forms an important part of the investment strategy.

The Fund may also invest at the Investment Manager’s discretion in other Transferable Securities, derivative instruments and collective investment schemes.



  • Targets absolute returns regardless of market direction with carefully monitored exposure to the stock market
  • Experienced team with time-tested approach through market cycles; supported by the wider Pan-European equities team
  • The fund aims to enhance the overall risk/return characteristics of a balanced portfolio, with a key focus on preserving capital

Portfolio Management

Ben Wallace

Portfolio Manager

Industry since 1997. Joined Firm in 2011.

Luke Newman

Portfolio Manager

Industry since 2000. Joined Firm in 2011.


