We believe that the best way to generate consistent excess returns is stock picking based on independent research. We focus the risks of the portfolio on what we are good at – research and stock selection – and seek to avoid unnecessary risks – macro risks and other portfolio biases. Therefore, we let sector experts drive the process and pick their best ideas and use a portfolio oversight team to monitor the risk of the portfolio and keep it focused on stock selection.


Managed by sector experts
Our teams of dedicated sector specialists conduct independent, differentiated research to construct unique sector portfolios that are combined to form a diversified portfolio. This design allows investors to benefit directly from the insights and expertise of Janus Henderson’s Central Research Team.

Pure stock picking approach
Each of our experienced global sector teams builds a high-conviction portfolio of their best ideas, regardless of market cap, geography or sub-sector. All ideas and position sizes are debated and fully vetted before entry into the portfolio.

Minimise the macro
This portfolio’s disciplined investment process is designed to minimise macro risks by aligning sector allocations with the benchmark. This allows fundamental, bottom-up stock selection within each sector to be the primary driver of returns.

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Equity Perspectives

Quarterly insight from our equity teams to help clients navigate the markets and opportunities ahead.