Hamish Chamberlayne, Head of SRI, discusses how the unstoppable transition to clean technology highlights the unsustainable risks of fossil fuels for the environment, companies and investors.
Portfolio Construction and Strategy Team
The Portfolio Construction and Strategy (PCS) Team performs customized analyses on advisor portfolios, providing differentiated, data-driven diagnostics.
Perkins CIO Outlook:
The Booming U.S. Stock Market … Will It Last?
Perkins Chief Investment Officer Gregory Kolb shares his equity market insights.
Forte hausse des dividendes mondiaux au 1er trimestre, balayant les inquiétudes liées à la croissance mondiale
Les dividendes totaux ont, à l’échelle internationale, balayé les inquiétudes relatives à l’économie mondiale, augmentant de 7.8% au cours du premier trimestre, pour atteindre 263,3 milliards de dollars US, un record pour le premier trimestre, selon le dernier rapport de l’indice Janus Henderson des dividendes mondiaux. La croissance sous-jacente de 7,5% a suivi la même tendance, les importants dividendes extraordinaires ayant été compensés par les effets de change négatifs.
Henderson Smaller Companies in good shape
Neil Hermon, Fund Manager of Henderson Smaller Companies Trust, says that despite the uncertain economic and business landscape, he is confident in the current shape of the portfolio.
Women and Widowhood: Advisor Resource
Utilize these tactics to establish rapport and trust with clients, fostering a better relationship and helping you retain female clients.
Women and Widowhood: Client Resource
This task list can help widowed clients navigate through the time of transition and ensure basic financial needs over the next 12 months.
Women and Divorce
Use this checklist to help divorced clients ease the transition, avoid emotional decision-making and make smart choices resulting in financial stability.
China’s disruptive internet companies
Richard Clode, Portfolio Manager on the Janus Henderson Global Technology Team, discusses his recent trip to Hong Kong, where he met with a number of Chinese internet companies.
Defining the Key Elements of High-Performing Teams
What attributes are shared by the most successful advisory teams? Michael Futterman shares how to elevate your team to elite status.