Unlocking sustainable growth: A multidisciplinary approach
The benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to investing, particularly in unlocking sustainable growth opportunities.
Reigniting interest in Japanese equities
Following decades of economic stagnation in Japan, the region’s stocks are finally attracting investor attention again.
Investing in growth and resilience through healthcare
The Healthcare sector is one of four areas that the PCS Team have identified as having sizeable growth opportunities going forward.
Australian economic view – March 2024
Emma Lawson, Fixed Interest Strategist – Macroeconomics in the Janus Henderson Australian Fixed Interest team, provides her Australian economic analysis and market outlook.
Global Perspectives: Disinflation creates solid ground for rate cuts
Why we should be on solid ground for rate cuts and the implications for bond markets.
Absolute return: Add a little bit of stock dispersion… and stir
With stock dispersion once again at the fore, offering greater potential for uncorrelated returns, is this ingredient that absolute return investors have been waiting for?
Unlocking sustainable growth: a multidisciplinary approach
Three stocks that exemplify the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to investing.
Navigating UK income in 2024
A changing landscape means that many investors are looking at income again. Here, the City of London Investment Trust discusses the challenges and opportunities in UK income at the moment…
European espresso: Are obesity drugs a game changer for European pharmas?
Just how significant could a breakthrough in obesity treatment be, in terms of European equity markets?