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What should be on the radar for investors in 2021? Market GPS helps direction-set with a video summary, in-depth asset class analysis and our latest portfolio manager views.

Video Summary

The pandemic rocked the global economy in 2020 and financial markets experienced unprecedented volatility. Moving into 2021, promising vaccine developments and ongoing central bank support offer hope for greater stability, yet uncertainty remains. Against this backdrop, what key market drivers should investors consider? Co-Heads of Equities George Maris and Alex Crooke, Global Head of Fixed Income Jim Cielinski, and Head of Diversified Alternatives David Elms highlight potential risks and opportunities to help investors navigate the year ahead.

Video Summary

The pandemic rocked the global economy in 2020 and financial markets experienced unprecedented volatility. Moving into 2021, promising vaccine developments and ongoing central bank support offer hope for greater stability, yet uncertainty remains. Against this backdrop, what key market drivers should investors consider? Co-Heads of Equities George Maris and Alex Crooke, Global Head of Fixed Income Jim Cielinski, and Head of Diversified Alternatives David Elms highlight potential risks and opportunities to help investors navigate the year ahead.

Asset Class Outlooks

Portfolio Manager Outlooks

Read our portfolio managers’ 2021 outlooks as they are published and stay informed on key market themes for the year ahead.

Market GPS 2022 Managers Outlook

Keeping You Connected in 2021

Our Market GPS suite and timely insights provide access to our investment teams’ views throughout the calendar year.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 A N N U A L I N V E S T M E N T O U T L O O K S P o r t f o l i o Ma n a g er L e v e l A s s et C l a s s L e v e l Q U A R T E R L Y A S S E T C L A S S P E R S P E C T I V E S E q u i t i e s , F i x e d I n c om e , D i v e r s i fi e d A l t e r n at i v e s T I M E L Y I N S I GH T S O n g o i n g u p d a t e s t o h e l p cl i e n t s n a v i g a t e s h i f t i n g m a r k et c o n d i t i o n s

Most Read in 2020

Some of the the most popular articles from our Asset Class Perspectives series:

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Environmental, social and governance (ESG): are three key criteria used to evaluate a company’s ethical impact and sustainable practices. ESG or sustainable investing considers factors beyond traditional financial analysis. This may limit available investments and cause performance and exposures to differ from, and potentially be more concentrated in certain areas than, the broader market.

Inflation: The rate at which the prices of goods and services are rising in an economy. The opposite of deflation.

Volatility: The rate and extent at which the price of a portfolio, security or index, moves up and down. If the price swings up and down with large movements, it has high volatility. If the price moves more slowly and to a lesser extent, it has lower volatility. It is used as a measure of the riskiness of an investment.

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