Janus Henderson
Corporate Debt Index

The Corporate Debt Index is a long-term study into trends in company indebtedness around the world, the investment opportunities this provides and the risks it presents.

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Companies paid a record
in interest in 2023/24,

up 24.4% year-on-year

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costs consumed
one eighth (12.4%)

of operating profits
in 2023/24

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Janus Henderson
expects borrowing levels to continue to rise in 2024/25 but at an even slower pace,

up by 2.5% to a record US$8.38 trillion

All figures in US dollars, unless otherwise stated. As of March 31, 2024

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Le aziende hanno pagato la cifra record di , 458 miliardi di dollari di interessi nel 2023/24,

in aumento del 24,4% su base annua

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L'aumento dei costi per interessi
ha rappresentato un ottavo (12,4%)

dell'utile operativo nel 2023/24

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Janus Henderson prevede che i livelli di indebitamento continueranno a salire nel 2024/25, ma a un ritmo ancora più lento,

fino alla cifra record di 8.380 miliardi di dollari (+2,5%)

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Las empresas pagaron una cifra récord de 458.000 millones de dólares
en intereses en 2023/24,

Un 24,4% más respecto al año anterior.


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El aumento de los costes por intereses
consumieron una octava parte (12,4%)


de los beneficios de explotación en 2023/24.

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Janus Henderson
prevé que

los niveles de endeudamiento seguirán aumentando en 2024/25, aunque a un ritmo aún más lento,

subirán un 2,5% hasta alcanzar una cifra récord de 8,38 billones de dólares.

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Die Unternehmen zahlten 2023/24 einen Rekordbetrag von
458 Mrd. US-Dollar
an Zinsen,

+24,4% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr

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Höhere Zinskosten
entfielen auf ein Achtel (12,4%)

des Betriebsgewinns im Jahr 2023/24

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Janus Henderson erwartet, dass - die Kreditaufnahme 2024/25 weiter ansteigen wird, allerdings in einem noch langsameren Tempo,

um 2,5% auf den Rekordwert von 8,38 BillionenUS-Dollar


Bond A bond is parcel of debt. By buying a bond, investors give money to a borrower, usually for a fixed term and for a fixed rate of interest. Bonds can be bought and sold on financial markets, and the value changes over time with varying market conditions.
Bond A bond is parcel of debt. By buying a bond, investors give money to a borrower, usually for a fixed term and for a fixed rate of interest. Bonds can be bought and sold on financial markets, and the value changes over time with varying market conditions.
Cyclical Industry The revenues and profits of an industry rise and fall over the course of an economic cycle.
EBIT Earnings before interest and tax, commonly called operating profit.
Equity The amount of money left over for shareholders if all a company’s assets were liquidated and its assets sold off.
Gearing The ratio of debt to equity finance on the balance sheet – not to the market value of the shares; also called leverage.
Leverage The ratio of debt to equity finance on the balance sheet – not to the market value of the shares; also called gearing.
Net Debt All borrowings minus any cash or cash equivalents.
Running Yield The interest paid on a bond divided by its current market value.
Volatility Rapid, unpredictable, changeability.
Yield to Maturity The interest paid on a bond divided by its current market value, taking account of the capital gain or loss that will occur when the bond matures and is repaid.

Janus Henderson Corporate Debt Index, Edition 5

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