On demand webcasts

Our dedicated webcast channel featuring on-demand presentations and Q&A sessions from our investment professionals.

Woman with binoculars looking ahead

Multi Strat Webcast – Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?

With both equity and bond markets sharply down year to date, David Elms and Steve Cain discuss the risks and opportunities within a multi-strategy approach as the investment landscape changes.

Proceed with caution – now is the time to be selective in high yield

Client Loyalty and Acquisition featured image

Absolute Return Strategy – Update and Market Outlook

Luke Newman will give an update on the Absolute Return strategy, and how a long/short approach can exploit opportunities across developed equity markets.

Amid volatility, healthcare’s appeal grows

Amid an environment of higher-than-expected inflation, rate hikes and a slowing global economy, health care’s defensive nature may offer attractive characteristics.

Defined Contribution

Top DC Trends and Developments

Double Exposure Anchor

Diversify Your Yield Exposure

Myron Scholes on the future of finance

Myron Scholes Ph.D., Chief Investment Strategist is joined by Ali Dibadj, Chief Executive Officer and Philip Maymin, Ph.D., Director of Asset Allocation Strategies, in this exciting look back and look forward on the field of finance.

Navigating Equity markets amid volatility: the risks and opportunities

Hear from experts at Janus Henderson across U.S. and global equities to assess where near- and long-term opportunities may lie.

1 year on: Navigating Inflation through resiliency and growth

Hamish Chamberlayne, Head of Global Sustainable Equities, and Alison Porter, Portfolio Manager, look back on a year of turbulence and discuss some of the long-term growth opportunities being accelerated by the inflationary, recessionary and geopolitical challenges that we currently face.

Balanced Fund Image - Gymnast in cube

Webinar: 6. Oktober 2022 / 15 Uhr

Kann man die Volatilität mit einer Balanced Strategie schlagen? (mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung)

Relative resilience in real estate – the importance of dependable income streams

In a recent webcast, Guy Barnard, Co-Head of Property Equities, gave an update on the performance of global real estate as well as addressing key considerations for property investors as we look forward.

Strategic Bond Update: Is now the time for bonds?

Previously we discussed how every macro process we followed signalled a steep economic downturn ahead and likely a global hard landing. We update on the outlook following a tumultuous few months for financial markets and bond markets in particular.