On demand webcasts

Our dedicated webcast channel featuring on-demand presentations and Q&A sessions from our investment professionals.

Fixed income webcast image

The Future of Fixed Income

Listen to our U.S. Head of Portfolio Construction and Strategy and fixed income Portfolio Managers as they present a primer on the role of securitized assets as the Fed nears the end of its historic rate hiking cycle.

Fixed income webcast image

The Future of Fixed Income

Listen to our U.S. Head of Portfolio Construction and Strategy and fixed income Portfolio Managers as they present a primer on the role of securitized assets as the Fed nears the end of its historic rate hiking cycle.

Strategic Bond – Quarterly Update

Join John Pattullo and Jenna Barnard, Co-Head of Global Bonds, for this final quarterly update as they explore developments in the economy, the latest moves in rates, the pressures building in credit markets and what this is likely to mean for bond investors.

European Small Companies – Strategy Update

Please join Richard Brown, Client Portfolio Manager, who will provide an update on Global and European Smaller Companies, sharing the latest market perspectives and outlook.
The webcast will include an update on positioning and performance.

Multi Sector Income – Fund Update

Join John Kerschner and John Lloyd, who will provide an update on the Multi Sector Income fund, sharing their latest market perspectives and outlook.

Introducing the Sustainable Credit Fund

Join Shan Kwee, Portfolio Manager for the Janus Henderson Sustainable Credit Fund as he introduces this recently-launched Fund.

Global Natural Resources – Which fuel will stoke the fire?

Join Head of Global Natural Resources, Daniel Sullivan, as he shares his insights on current asset allocation within, and outlook, for the resources sector.

A multi-strategy approach to diversification

Join Alistair Sayer, CPM for our Global Multi-Strategy Fund, as he discusses current risks and opportunities in seeking outcomes that are uncorrelated to financial markets.

Global equities – Opportunities amidst uncertainty

Join us for an update on our Global Research Growth portfolio with Phil Wood, Global Head of Equities CPM’s.

Sustainable Investing – more important than ever

Join Steve Weeple, Client Portfolio Manager for the Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Fund, as he provides an update on the strategy and outlook for the rest of 2023.

Bonds markets: Duration at a critical juncture

With inflation on the rise, duration is at the forefront of advisers minds. Join Jay Sivapalan, Head of Australian Fixed Interest, as he shares his insights on this important topic.

Microfoni Accesi – Macro-update Simon Ward

Registrati alla nuova puntata di Microfoni Accesi in cui proveremo a rispondere ad alcune delle domande più gettonate per i mercati insieme a Simon Ward, Economic Adviser, che offrirà un aggiornamento sulle prospettive macroeconomiche e la rilevanza che queste rivestono per i mercati finanziari, sulla base del suo approccio di previsione distintivo che enfatizza le tendenze e i cicli monetari.