On demand webcasts

Our dedicated webcast channel featuring on-demand presentations and Q&A sessions from our investment professionals.

Finding the best of both worlds with credit and sustainability

Join Shan Kwee, Portfolio Manager for the Sustainable Credit Fund, as he provides an outlook on the portfolio and the movements for credit markets in 2024.

Aggiornamento sulla strategia Global Sustainable Equity

Giovedì 7 marzo unisciti ad Hamish Chamberlayne, Portfolio Manager, Head of Global Sustainable Equities, che fornirà un aggiornamento trimestrale sulla strategia Global Sustainable Equities, oltre a condividere il suo outlook e le ultime prospettive di mercato.

This webcast includes an update on positioning and performance.

Actualización de la estrategia de Renta Variable Sostenible Global

Acompaña a Hamish Chamberlayne, Gestor de Cartera, Responsable de Renta Variable Sostenible Global, el jueves 7 de marzo, en su actualización trimestral sobre la estrategia de Renta Variable Sostenible Global, y comparte sus últimas perspectivas y perspectivas de mercado.

Strategie-Update Globale Nachhaltige Aktien

Bitte seien Sie dabei, wenn Hamish Chamberlayne, Portfoliomanager, Head of Global Sustainable Equities, am Donnerstag, den 7. März, ein vierteljährliches Update zur globalen nachhaltigen Aktien-Strategie liefert und seine neuesten Marktperspektiven und -aussichten teilt.

Actualité de la stratégie Global Sustainable Equities

Joignez-vous à Hamish Chamberlayne, Gérant et Responsable des actions durables mondiales, le jeudi 7 mars. Il fera un point trimestriel sur la stratégie Global Sustainable Equities et partagera ses dernières perspectives de marché.

Global Strategic Total Return Bond strategy update

Please watch our Strategic Bond strategy update with Jenna Barnard, Co-Head of ​Global Bonds, which took place on Thursday 8 February, where Jenna discusses positioning as well as the historical performance of bonds in rate cutting cycles going back to the 1960’s.

What to look out for in bond markets in 2024

Join Jay Sivapalan, Head of Australian Fixed Interest, as he shares how bonds can impact your portfolio this year and give an update on the Tactical Income Fund and Australian Fixed Interest Fund, plus what is in store for fixed income investors in 2024.

Resources: worth their weight in gold?

Join Darko Kuzmanovic, Portfolio Manager for the Global Natural Resources Fund, as he gives an update on the portfolio and shares his investment outlook on what 2024 has in store for the resources sector.

Strategic Bond – Strategie Update

Seien Sie dabei, wenn Jenna Barnard and John Pattullo, Co-Heads of ​Global Bonds am Donnerstag, den 8. Februar, ihr neuestes Webinar Strategic Bond Strategie Update präsentieren. Sie werden die Positionierung sowie die historische Wertentwicklung von Anleihen in Zinssenkungszyklen bis zurück in die 1960er Jahre diskutieren.

Marc Pinto

Equities in 2024 webcast: The stars align for quality

Listen to Marc Pinto and Lara Castleton, as they discuss:

  • Why we think a focus on quality earnings will benefit investors.
  • How a new – higher – interest rate regime could impact equities.
  • How to incorporate AI, the Magnificent 7 and other investment themes into portfolios.
Guy Barnard | Janus Henderson Investors

Global Property Equities – Strategy Update

Please join Guy Barnard, Co-Head Global Property Equities, who will provide an update on the Global Property Equities strategy, sharing his latest perspectives and outlook.

Seth Meyer, CFA | Janus Henderson Investors

Multi Sector Income – Fund update

Please join our webcast on Thursday 18 January to hear from Seth Meyer, Head of Fixed Income Strategy, as he gives a quarterly update on the Multi Sector Income fund, as well as sharing his latest market perspectives and outlook.