On demand webcasts

Our dedicated webcast channel featuring on-demand presentations and Q&A sessions from our investment professionals.

A Foundation for Growth: Property Equities as a Solution for Investors in 2022 and Beyond

Guy Barnard, Co-Head of Property Equities, covers the key takeaways from 2021 and considerations going into 2022.

Defined Contribution

Top DC Trends and Developments

Matt Sommer, Head of Defined Contribution and Wealth Advisor Services, and special guest the Honorable Brad Campbelldiscussed notable highlights from this past quarter and key developments plan fiduciaries should be aware of moving into 2022.

UK Equity Income – Recovery and Responsibility

After a challenging 2020 what is the outlook for 2021 and beyond? What are companies saying about business conditions and dividends? In this presentation Andy Jones will discuss why the UK remains an attractive market for income and also how to construct an income portfolio within an ESG framework.

The manic reflation narrative is peaking

The manic reflation narrative is peaking

Reflation has been the hot topic in the markets since the start of the year as inflation expectations have been rising rapidly on prospects of economic recovery. In this webcast, Jenna Barnard and John Pattullo dissect the reflation narrative, sharing their contrarian views on the subject.