Edition 42, May 2024

Janus Henderson Global Dividend Index


The first-of-its-kind, this is a quarterly, long-term study into global dividend trends, analysing dividends paid by the 1,200 largest firms by market capitalisation. It is a measure of progress that global firms are making in paying their investors an income on their capital.

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Q1 dividends rose to a first-quarter record of


up 2.4% on a headline basis

Banks contributed most to growth in Q3

Banks accounted for a quarter of global growth in Q1

up by 12.0%

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No change in Janus Henderson’s 2024 dividend forecast of US$1.72 trillion


up 3.9% on a headline basis

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Underlying growth was significantly stronger at 6.8%

the headline total was held back by lower one-off special dividends

Janus Henderson Investors 31 March 2024| Marketing communication

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Banks contributed most to growth in Q3



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駿利亨德森投資 2024年3月31日 | 市場傳訊

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I dividendi del Q1 sono saliti al record del primo trimestre di 339,2 miliardi di dollari


in aumento del 2,4% su base complessiva

Banks contributed most to growth in Q3

Le banche hanno rappresentato un quarto della crescita globale nel primo trimestre

con un aumento del 12,0%

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Nessuna variazione nella previsione di dividendo di Janus Henderson per il 2024 di 1,72 trilioni di dollari


in aumento del 3,9% su base complessiva

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La crescita sottostante è stata significativamente più forte, pari al 6,8%

mentre il totale complessivo è stato frenato da dividendi straordinari una tantum più bassi

Janus Henderson Investors 31 marzo 2024| Comunicazione di Marketing

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Les dividendes du premier trimestre ont atteint un record de 339,2 milliards de dollars pour un premier trimestre


en hausse globale de 2,4%

Banks contributed most to growth in Q3

Les banques ont représenté un quart de la croissance mondiale au 1er trimestre

en hausse de 12,0%

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Aucun changement n'a été apporté aux prévisions de dividendes de Janus Henderson pour 2024 de 1720 milliards de dollars américains


en hausse globale de 3,9% on a headline basis

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La croissance sous-jacente a été nettement plus soutenue à 6,8%

le total global a été freiné par la baisse des dividendes exceptionnels

Janus Henderson Investors 31 mars 2024 | Communication marketing

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Los dividendos del primer trimestre alcanzaron un récord de 339.200 millones de dólares


un 2,4% más que en términos generales

Banks contributed most to growth in Q3

Los bancos representaron una cuarta parte del crecimiento mundial en el primer trimestre

con un aumento del 12,0%

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No hay cambios en la previsión de dividendos de Janus Henderson para 2024 de 1,72 billones de dólares


un 3,9% más en términos generales

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El crecimiento subyacente fue significativamente más fuerte, del 6,8%

mientras que el total general se vio frenado por la reducción de los dividendos extraordinarios

Janus Henderson Investors 31 de marzo de 2024| Comunicación Publicitaria

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Die Dividenden stiegen im 1. Quartal auf einen Rekordwert von 339,2 Milliarden US-Dollar


ein Plus von 2,4 % gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum.

Banks contributed most to growth in Q3

Ein Viertel des weltweiten Wachstums im 1. Quartal entfiel auf die Banken

ein Plus von 12,0 %

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Keine Änderung bei Janus Hendersons Dividendenprognose für 2024 von 1,72 Billionen USD


ein Anstieg von 3,9 % gegenüber dem Gesamtjahr

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Das zugrunde liegende Wachstum war mit 6,8% deutlich stärker

das Gesamtergebnis wurde durch niedrigere einmalige Sonderdividenden gebremst

Janus Henderson Investors 31. März 2024| Marketing-Anzeige

Related Funds

Multi-Sector Credit

Leverages active sector allocation to potentially deliver higher returns than traditional core plus portfolios without a substantial increase in volatility.

Global Real Estate Equity Income Fund

Actively managed, high-conviction fund focused on the managers’ best ideas in listed property stocks and REITs, and aiming to deliver long-term capital appreciation

Multi-Sector Income Fund

For investors seeking a steady stream of high income with lower risk than a dedicated high-yield strategy

Horizon Asian Dividend Income Fund

Aims to capture the income and capital growth potential of companies in Asia, one of the world’s fastest-growing regions

Global Real Estate Equity Income Fund

Actively managed, high-conviction fund focused on the managers’ best ideas in listed property stocks and REITs, and aiming to deliver long-term capital appreciation

Multi-Sector Income Fund

For investors seeking a steady stream of high income with lower risk than a dedicated high-yield strategy

Henderson International Income Trust plc

HINT aims to offer investors a genuinely diversified source of dependable, growing income, drawn from investments beyond the UK.

Horizon Asia-Pacific Property Income Fund

Actively managed fund focused on the managers’ best ideas in Asia-Pacific listed property stocks and REITs to deliver long-term capital appreciation

Horizon Asian Dividend Income Fund

Aims to capture the income and capital growth potential of companies in Asia, one of the world’s fastest-growing regions

Multi-Sector Income Fund

For investors seeking a steady stream of high income with lower risk than a dedicated high-yield strategy.

*Past performance does not predict future returns.

Related Funds

Multi-Sector Credit

Leverages active sector allocation to potentially deliver higher returns than traditional core plus portfolios without a substantial increase in volatility.

Global Real Estate Equity Income Fund

Actively managed, high-conviction fund focused on the managers’ best ideas in listed property stocks and REITs, and aiming to deliver long-term capital appreciation

Multi-Sector Income Fund

For investors seeking a steady stream of high income with lower risk than a dedicated high-yield strategy

Horizon Asian Dividend Income Fund

Aims to capture the income and capital growth potential of companies in Asia, one of the world’s fastest-growing regions

Global Real Estate Equity Income Fund

Actively managed, high-conviction fund focused on the managers’ best ideas in listed property stocks and REITs, and aiming to deliver long-term capital appreciation

Multi-Sector Income Fund

For investors seeking a steady stream of high income with lower risk than a dedicated high-yield strategy

Henderson International Income Trust plc

HINT aims to offer investors a genuinely diversified source of dependable, growing income, drawn from investments beyond the UK.

Horizon Asia-Pacific Property Income Fund

Actively managed fund focused on the managers’ best ideas in Asia-Pacific listed property stocks and REITs to deliver long-term capital appreciation

Horizon Asian Dividend Income Fund

Aims to capture the income and capital growth potential of companies in Asia, one of the world’s fastest-growing regions

Multi-Sector Income Fund

For investors seeking a steady stream of high income with lower risk than a dedicated high-yield strategy.

Multi-Sector Income Fund

For investors seeking a steady stream of high income with lower risk than a dedicated high-yield strategy

*Past performance does not predict future returns.

Janus Henderson Global Dividend Index, Edition 42

If you are from the Media, please email pr@janushenderson.com to get the report.