Equity Perspectives

Connecting you to the latest thinking from our equity teams.


Themes in focus

Alex Crooke, Co-Head of Equities – EMEA & Asia Pacific, provides an overview of the drivers of equity markets in recent months and introduces key themes in this quarter’s Perspectives.

  • Janus Henderson has broad expertise across equities globally. Teams develop their own views on markets; Equity Perspectives shares their latest thinking.
  • Inflation has been the dominant theme as governments seek to assert control and equity markets try to interpret what this means longer term.
  • On the plus side, company earnings have proven resilient. But how government intervention, a strong dollar, and a recessionary backdrop impact these will now be critical for markets.

Alex Crooke, Co-Head of Equities – EMEA & Asia Pacific

Our perspectives

Our Equity capabilities

Janus Henderson provides an active approach to equity investing. The equities platform is shaped by the belief that fundamental research is the foundation for delivering long-term, risk-adjusted returns to help clients achieve their financial goals. Independent thought and unique viewpoints are central to this approach and result in portfolios that are meaningfully different to an index. Each team expresses their individual, high-conviction ideas through processes that have evolved to suit their specific areas of the market and within robust risk control frameworks.

While operating with independence, the equities teams benefit from collaboration and shared research that provide a source of portfolio ideas. The culture encourages intellectual challenge and stimulating debate to test – and ultimately strengthen – investment thinking. The success of ideas is measured by overall client outcomes with the aim to deliver consistent, long-term risk-adjusted excess returns over benchmarks and peers regardless of the investment landscape. This effort is supported by award-winning, proprietary portfolio construction technology and a cultural emphasis on the client promise.

The equity teams, led by Co-Heads of Equities Alex Crooke and George Maris, include 164 investment professionals, responsible for US$177bn in assets under management1. The teams include those with a global perspective, those with a regional focus – US, Europe, Asia Pacific and Emerging Markets – and those invested in specialist sectors. A range of growth, value and absolute return styles are employed.

Equity Capabilities Infographic

1 Source: Janus Henderson, as at 30 June 2022.

The Fed, or Federal Reserve is the central banking system on the United States.