Responsibility at Janus Henderson

Janus Henderson’s approach focuses on three key areas:

Corporate responsibility

Responsibility starts at home. Our own behaviour should mirror what we expect of our portfolio companies.

ESG Integration

Incorporation of financially material ESG considerations improves our analysis of risk and return, enhancing our active investment processes.

ESG-focused strategies

Products and solutions to meet the needs of clients who want to invest for a purpose beyond solely financial outcomes.

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How we think about ESG

As an active asset manager, this means integrating financially material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into our investment decision-making and ownership practices is fundamental to delivering the results clients seek.

Integrating ESG factors demands active and ongoing engagement and we strongly believe that consideration of financially material ESG factors can enhance long-term risk-adjusted returns. We also recognise that ESG integration is evolving and we seek to partner with clients and act as a guide on that journey.

Our approach

  • At a corporate level, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles influence our people, our culture, and our choices, helping to make us a better company.
  • At an investment level, we have integrated financially material ESG factors into our analysis and processes as appropriate, helping us identify opportunities and risks, and influence positive change as we engage with companies.
  • Recognising that there is a lack of consistency in ESG implementation and articulation across the industry, we seek to be clear in our communication as well as providing insight and education for our clients.

ESG Strategic Focus

We leverage our differentiated research to engage and educate

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ESG Research that Generates
actionable investment insights

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JH Investment Teams


Portfolio Companies

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ESG considerations can impact the financial returns for our clients. Our thoughtful, practical, research-based, and forward looking approach to ESG integration and engagement leads to improved risk management, better opportunity identification, and enhanced outcomes for clients.


ESG considerations can impact the financial returns for our clients. Our thoughtful, practical, research-based, and forward looking approach to ESG integration and engagement leads to improved risk management, better opportunity identification, and enhanced outcomes for clients.

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Corporate ESG

Focusing on our own Environmental, Social, and Governance practices helps us become a better company – for our employees, for our clients, for our communities, and for our shareholders.

Continually evaluating our policies and behaviours – and striving to improve – has always been at the heart of what Janus Henderson stands for.

Our corporate commitment extends to our people, the environment, climate risk, the communities we are part of, and our governance structure.


As an active asset manager, it has always been our responsibility to identify and quantify risk. Financially material ESG factors play an important role in our decision making and influence positive change when engaging with companies.


As an active asset manager, it has always been our responsibility to identify and quantify risk. Financially material ESG factors play an important role in our decision making and influence positive change when engaging with companies.

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Investment ESG

Integrating financially material ESG factors in our investment process

Representing our clients, defending their interests, and sharing our thinking.

As investment professionals, our first responsibility is, and always has been, to our clients' interests and goals – growing and smartly managing their capital and fulfilling our fiduciary responsibilities. In every market, client demand is also increasing for us to invest with processes that incorporate financially material ESG and sustainability factors.

Where ESG meets risk

Financially material ESG factors are integral to how we think about risk. Among our clients, attitudes towards ESG and sustainability vary as much as risk profiles. We are respectful of this diversity of values and offer strategies and products accordingly.

We strive to manage an investment platform with the tools and flexibility to apply exclusions to meet the spectrum of requirements of our clients. We believe our ability to have the greatest impact as active managers is through active engagement with the firms in which we invest.


As part of our Knowledge Shared approach, we are committed to sharing our insight and analysis on the ESG themes impacting our world and our clients' portfolios.


As part of our Knowledge Shared approach, we are committed to sharing our insight and analysis on the ESG themes impacting our world and our clients' portfolios.

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Additional resources

Access the latest ESG thinking from our experts and find further detail on our approach in the Document and Resources Library.

ESG Insights

Receive updates on ESG trends and the latest developments in the world of sustainability.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) or sustainable investing considers factors beyond traditional financial analysis. This may limit available investments and cause performance and exposures to differ from, and potentially be more concentrated in certain areas than, the broader market.