Why Some Teams Do More Business than Others

5 Attributes of Top-Performing Teams

Knowledge Labs®, in collaboration with The Investments & Wealth Institute and Cerulli Associates, explored

2,800 Practices

to learn what qualities are shared by the most successful teams, and here is what they revealed:


Top-performing financial professional teams manage 4.2 times more funds compared to their peers.

And they do it with fewer clients, 90 vs. 126 for lower performers, by offering specialized roles and services that attract the right relationships.

Why Some Advisory Teams Do More Business than Others?


Why Some Advisory Teams Do More Business than Others?

OF ELITE TEAMS hire “producing” junior financial professionals to pursue future growth and aid with legacy planning.

Why Some Advisory Teams Do More Business than Others?

Nearly half hire at least one “non-producing” junior financial professional to build capacity.

Why Some Advisory Teams Do More Business than Others?

of lower quartile teams do this.

Why Some Advisory Teams Do More Business than Others?

of lower quartile teams do this.


Technology integration helps ensure:

  • Consistent and Accurate Execution
  • Improved Efficiency
  • Better Overall Client Experience

Leverage technology to help smooth your most critical processes.


Emphasizing productivity through process and specialization can help your team avoid common pitfalls that plague non-elite teams:

  • Lack of Time
  • High Costs
  • Excessive Operational Responsibilities


Elite teams infuse leadership decisions with a diversity of input and set responsibilities based on strengths and interests. Teams with shared decision-making processes manage more assets.

Why Some Advisory Teams Do More Business than Others?


Elite teams work smarter, not harder.

Ongoing business planning – and developing an annual planning process – can help you consistently realign your team’s strengths and opportunities for continuous improvement. Ready to elevate your team?

Knowledge Labs® Elements of Extraordinary Teamwork (ExT) curriculum is here to help guide the process. Resources include educational content, step-by-step planning tools and one-on-one consulting from practice management specialists.

Next Steps

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Contact your Janus Henderson sales director to learn more about resources and consultation opportunities to elevate your team to elite status.

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How Does Your Team Work?

What makes elite teams deliver great results while others never seem to come together?

Learn more about The Elements of Extraordinary Teamwork and the core elements that impact team chemistry.

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