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Henderson EuroTrust – Finding quality companies for an uncertain environment

Quality matters, goes the adage, and like most traditional expressions it captures an essential truth in life. It is also the unofficial motto of Henderson EuroTrust managed by Portfolio Manager, Jamie Ross.

Jamie Ross, CFA

Jamie Ross, CFA

Portfolio Manager | Deputy Portfolio Manager – Bankers Investment Trust

30 May 2023
6 minute read

The fortunes of even the most successful companies can be buffeted by turbulent economic times, but the best businesses always weather the storm or even thrive in the adversity. At Henderson EuroTrust (EuroTrust), we look for companies that have what it takes to survive and thrive whatever the economic weather. Put simply, EuroTrust aims to provide investors with a superior total return from a portfolio of high quality European (excluding the UK) companies over the long-term.

There are of course many dimensions to quality, but we like to focus on companies that have a sustainable competitive advantage within their industry, have strong balance sheets and high and sustainable return on invested capital. These companies have strong pricing power, meaning they can deal with rising input costs while still generating growing earnings, no matter the economic environment. High-quality businesses capable of generating returns above their cost of capital whilst allocating excess capital appropriately are the perfect holdings for our portfolio in these uncertain times.

Here are a few of our favorites that have been successfully navigating a challenging environment:

Nestle – the defensive powerhouse

Swiss group Nestle has historically been best known for its confectionery and as Switzerland’s biggest chocolate company that reputation is well earned, but its business has a far greater breadth and depth than its historic reputation would suggest. These days, Nestle’s business is far more focused on fast growing areas such as coffee and petfood. From Nescafe coffee to Rowntree’s Fruit Gums, and Felix cat food to Shredded Wheat, Nestle’s 2,000 brands are embedded in the lives of consumers across 188 countries. These are the kind of staple products that sustain sales through thick and thin and the group has a long-term strategy for managing its vast portfolio of products for the long term.

The group’s global scale and brand has helped it to not just weather the difficult Covid years but continue to grow. Organic growth (excluding acquisitions) was 8.3% in 2022 and total sales reached CHF94.4 billion (£84 billion). Underlying trading profits rose 17% and dividends were increased for the 28th year in succession.
As a defensive powerhouse Nestle hits the sweet spot.

Novo Nordisk – the sustainable growth leader

Achieving sustainable growth in the pharmaceuticals sector is all about balancing return to shareholders with long-term investment in the research and development that will deliver the products and revues of the future.

It is a balance that Danish pharmaceuticals group Novo Nordisk has achieved with aplomb. In its financial year ending in 2022 Novo Nordisk reported net sales up 26%, pre-tax profits up 17% and raised its dividend by 19%. These results were the fruits of consistent and focused allocation of investment capital to research and development. The group’s products include therapies for hemophilia, hormone replacement and diabetes, in which it is a global market leader.

The latest success to emerge from its long-term R&D investment has been its new treatments for obesity which have helped drive a stellar rise in sales in the first three months of 2023 with the prospect of much more to come.

BE Semiconductors Industries – the adaptable innovator

BE Semiconductor – known as Besi for short – is one of the newest additions to the EuroTrust Portfolio. The semiconductor or ‘chip’ sector is notoriously cyclical but being in a business with ebbs and flows does not mean a company is not fundamentally high quality. Besi’s quality is shown through its consistently high gross profit margins which suggest a strong degree of pricing power.

Dutch-based Besi designs, makes, sells and services specialist ‘packaging’ equipment for the semiconductor manufacturing industry and its clients include Intel, Infineon, and TSMC.

Besi has proved an agile player able to adapt to the changing demands of its market while also always being prepared for the next pivot in the electronics sector. This adaptability is built-in to its business model and Besi designs updated versions of its main products every 1-2 years. Besi maintains a very strong balance sheet which has allowed significant payouts to investors while also allowing heavy investment in innovation. Research and development spending rose almost 23% last year.

Surviving and thriving through turbulent times

Companies that demonstrate defensiveness, sustainable return on invested capital, growth and agility are the ones that thrive across the economic cycle. Many are so deeply embedded in our lives that they can thrive even in troubled times, others have strategic vision to sustain growth over the long term and some are nimble innovators, able to turn on a penny to adapt to new demands with innovative solutions.

Quality matters. Which is why when selecting investments, we believe that high quality, growing businesses will provide investors with a superior total return over the long-term.

Balance sheet – A financial statement that summarises a company’s assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity at a particular point in time. Each segment gives investors an idea as to what the company owns and owes, as well as the amount invested by shareholders. It is called a balance sheet because of the accounting equation: assets = liabilities + shareholders’ equity.

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Henderson EuroTrust article