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A bird in the hand: are yield returns king again?

Seth Meyer, CFA

Seth Meyer, CFA

Global Head of Client Portfolio Management | Portfolio Manager

Brent Olson

Brent Olson

Portfolio Manager

1 Jul 2022

Portfolio Managers Seth Meyer and Brent Olson discuss how high-yield fixed income can help to bring defensive characteristics to multi-asset portfolios in a rising rate environment.

Key Takeaways

  • While duration risk has typically been confined to appraisals of fixed income assets, we believe its scope should be broadened to include equities within multi-asset portfolios.
  • As inflation remains high, and interest rates continue to rise, asset classes that outperformed in the low-rate environment following the Global Financial Crisis might not be best positioned to continue their outperformance.
  • In our view, when added to the equity sleeve of a multi-asset portfolio, high-yield fixed income can help to play defense by reducing portfolio duration in a rising rate environment.

With characteristic wit, Mr. Buffett was pointing out that the current value of a financial asset is not only affected by the level of interest rates and expected future returns, but also by the timing of future returns. In essence, the further into the future the payoff on an investment, the more sensitive it is to changes in interest rates. All else equal, in a falling rate environment, investors are typically rewarded for investment returns to be received further into the future (think growth stocks and long-duration bonds), while in a rising rate environment, investments that have a shorter payoff duration tend to fare comparatively better (think value stocks and short-duration bonds).

Mr. Buffett shared this anecdote – much to the chagrin of a roomful of Internet CEOs – at a time when technology stocks were enjoying record price returns and sky-high valuations. What he was paying attention to – that many of his critics were not – was that at the time, interest rates were already on the rise, and the higher discount rates were going to smack the prices of growth stocks whose nosebleed valuations were predicated on the expectation of profits a very long way in the future. In many ways, the backdrop of 1999 might not be too dissimilar to the environment in which we presently find ourselves.

Exhibit 1 illustrates this concept. Two hypothetical investments have the same $100 payoff, but their payoffs take place in different years. Ignoring the effect of reinvestment, Investment A, with a payoff in year 3, performs relatively better when rates fall, while Investment B, with its payoff in year 1, does relatively better when rates rise.

Exhibit 1: Hypothetical Impact on Asset Prices in Rising and Falling Rate Environments
Source: Janus Henderson Investors.

Expanding the Application of Duration

While our example is a simple one, if we take this concept to the real world and extend the timeline of the expected payoff, and if the change in interest rates becomes more pronounced, the “when” effect substantially impacts relative returns between asset classes, all else equal. Arguably, this “when” law has been the unsung hero for the past decade’s outperformance in growth stocks (despite technological innovation and space-bound CEOs accepting all the praise).

The sensitivity of asset prices to the timing of returns (duration) is a concept with which bond investors are well acquainted. But while duration has typically been an important risk to evaluate within bond allocations, it isn’t as much discussed in regard to multi-asset portfolios that include an allocation to equities. There are legitimate reasons for this, most notably that duration is more difficult to quantify on equity securities because the terminal value is unknown (unlike a bond), and cash flows (dividends) are variable, unlike stable bond coupons. There is, therefore, a high degree of ambiguity in calculating duration on equities.

Nonetheless, in our opinion, it’s safe to say that equities are typically long-duration instruments. According to a 2010 paper from S&P Indices (Blitzer, Dash & Soe), between 1976 and 2010, the long-run historical average duration of the S&P 500® Index was 23.7 years.

High-Yield Bonds – A Low Duration Option within Equity Allocations

As investors consider their portfolio positioning for a higher rate environment, we believe managing duration on both the equity and fixed income sleeves within a multi-asset portfolio can yield favorable results relative to a duration-agnostic approach. As we think about managing duration in an equity sleeve, investors might consider using high-yield bonds to achieve that purpose, for the following reasons:

  1. High yield historically has been positively correlated to equity markets – the 30-year correlation on the Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High-Yield Index and the S&P 500 is 0.64. If this positive correlation continues, investors may be able to rely on high-yield fixed income to complement, and move in correlation with, their equity allocations.
  2. Low duration – going back to 1992, the duration on the Bloomberg Corporate High-Yield Index has averaged 4.2 years, considerably lower than Blitzer’s estimated 23.7 years for the S&P 500. Therefore, if investors are looking to be more defensive and reduce overall portfolio sensitivity to interest rates, an allocation to high-yield bonds within their equity sleeve may help to achieve that.
  3. Returns and risk – while high-yield bonds have a significantly lower duration, the asset class has still been able to capture over 70% of the return of the S&P 500 since July 1992. (For the 30-year period from July 1, 1992 to June 29, 2022, the Bloomberg Corporate High-Yield Index returned 6.9% annualized, compared to 9.8% for the S&P 500). Therefore, we believe that by adding high yield to equity sleeves, investors can play duration defense without being entirely “risk-off.”
Exhibit 2: High-Yield Calendar Year Returns vs. Intra-Year Declines
Annual returns in high yield have been positive in 18 of 24 years, with lower intra-year drawdowns than the S&P 500

Who Is King of the Castle?

It’s been a long time since anyone has uttered the term, “Cash is King.” Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), cash – and cash, or yield, returns – have been anything but king. But, in our view, if interest rates continue to rise, and remain elevated, higher yielding assets might make sense for investors aiming to reduce overall portfolio duration while still maintaining exposure to risk assets. The higher yields on high-yield bonds have pushed their real yield close to positive territory, while real yields on equities and cash remain deeply negative (Exhibit 3).

Exhibit 3: Nominal and Real Yields
Real yields on high yield look attractive relative to alternatives

Source: Bloomberg, Janus Henderson Investors, as of 21 June 2022.

Furthermore, with the recent sharp move up in Treasury yields and the widening of credit spreads, the yields on high-yield bonds are close to being as attractive as they have been since the GFC, excluding the COVID sell-off. In our view, this presents an attractive buying opportunity in high yield. And while it is possible that yields remain at, or increase further from, current levels, yields have historically tended to rally expediently after rising above 8.5%. Since January 2011, the Bloomberg Corporate High-Yield Index has only closed above current yield levels (+8.5%) on less than 7% of all trading days (Exhibit 4).

Exhibit 4: Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High-Yield Index Yield to Maturity
Yields on high-yield bonds approaching post-GFC highs

Source: Bloomberg, as of 21 June 2022.

While investors who are concerned about inflation and a possible recession might be hesitant to add to their high-yield positions within their fixed income sleeves, the option of adding high yield as a low-duration, defensive component to an equity sleeve might prove useful. In our view, the dexterity of high yield and its ability to perform important functions alongside either asset class, presents a versatile investment option for investors to consider in multi asset portfolios.


Equity securities are subject to risks including market risk. Returns will fluctuate in response to issuer, political and economic developments. High-yield or “junk” bonds involve a greater risk of default and price volatility and can experience sudden and sharp price swings. Fixed income securities are subject to interest rate, inflation, credit and default risk. The bond market is volatile. As interest rates rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. The return of principal is not guaranteed, and prices may decline if an issuer fails to make timely payments or its credit strength weakens.

Equity securities are typically more volatile than investment grade fixed income instruments since bondholders have priority in being paid in the event of a bankruptcy.

Duration measures a bond price’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The longer a bond’s duration, the higher its sensitivity to changes in interest rates and vice versa.

Correlation measures the degree to which two variables move in relation to each other. A value of 1.0 implies movement in parallel, -1.0 implies movement in opposite directions, and 0.0 implies no relationship.

Credit Spread is the difference in yield between securities with similar maturity but different credit quality. Widening spreads generally indicate deteriorating creditworthiness of corporate borrowers, and narrowing indicate improving.

Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High Yield Bond Index measures the US dollar-denominated, high yield, fixed-rate corporate bond market.

S&P 500® Index reflects U.S. large-cap equity performance and represents broad U.S. equity market performance.