2Q20 Top DC Trends and Developments: Defined Contribution in Review

Duration: 60 Minutes

Our quarterly Top DC Trends and Developments is designed to help CEOs, CFOs, treasurers, human resource and benefits professionals and investment committees stay abreast of recent events that could have an impact on plans or plan participants. Inside you will find quarterly highlights, insights about the plan participant retirement readiness, a summary of new and pending legislation, news from the DOL and other regulatory bodies, updates on ERISA cases and a brief synopsis of global retirement issues.

Key Takeaways

  • Companies get creative to engage participants and help with student loan debt
  • Participants and plan sponsors feel the effects of COVID-19 in their plans
  • HEROES and SAVERS Acts focus on retirement relief
  • IRS issues several extensions and clarifications related to the CARES Act
  • Several lawsuits filed highlight CITs, cyber theft and COVID-19
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