4Q19 Top DC Trends and Developments: Defined Contribution in Review

Duration: 60 Minutes

Eligible for one hour of CE credit for the following designations: CFP, CIMA, CPWA, CRPC, CRPS, CRC, AIF, C(K)P, ARPC/ ARPS

This webcast will cover key industry developments over the last 90 days that could impact plans and plan participants, including:

  • P&I Excellence and Innovation award recipients are highlighted for their creative ideas and best practices for ensuring participants have adequate income at retirement
  • Research is featured on how a “planning mindset” and TDF usage affects saving
  • A review of the SECURE Act and student loan repayment legislation
  • How proposed changes to life expectancy tables would affect RMDs
  • Three ERISA cases highlighted that are moving to the Supreme Court

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