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A Technological Revolution

18 Dec 2019

Advanced technologies are leading to dramatic changes in the global economy and creating a multitude of opportunities for investors.

We believe we are in the early innings of a technological revolution that is transforming the global economy. Cloud computing, the Internet of Things and enhanced data analytics, made possible by artificial intelligence, are helping to change the way we work and live, from adding robots to factory floors to managing our finances exclusively through digital platforms. These trends have become so fundamental to the economy that they are reshaping not only our day-to-day lives, but how we think about investing.

In our paper, Investing in a Tech-Driven Economy, our portfolio managers engage in a Q&A to discuss how firms across sectors are being impacted. This transformation is just getting started, they argue, requiring smart thinking about where to find the best investment opportunities today.

Cloud Computing: More Growth Ahead

By 2022, global spending on the cloud is expected to exceed $331 billion (USD), up 82% from 2018.

Source: Gartner. Data are estimates as of April 2019

Investing In A Tech-Driven Economy

For more information on how to harness the power of disruption in your portfolio please call 800.668.0434 or visit

For more information on how to harness the power of disruption in your portfolio please call 800.668.0434 or visit

18 Dec 2019


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