Frequently Asked Tax Form Questions

Know what to expect for tax season

Find out when and how you will receive tax forms, how to order duplicates and more. When you know what to expect and when, you'll be that much more ahead of the game when you file your tax returns.


What do I receive at year-end? Will I get a tax form?

In addition to your year-end statement, there are several different types of tax forms you may receive, depending on the types of funds you own and the activity in those accounts. Please visit Know Your Tax Forms to learn more.

You can change your E-delivery options at any time in order to be alerted via email when your statements and tax forms are available online rather than through the mail. And it's easy to print your account statements and tax forms from the past seven years at any time.

Most original and corrected tax forms are available online. However, there are exceptions. For example, Form 1042-S and corrected tax forms produced after mid-October are not available online. These forms are mailed to your address of record.

When are tax forms available?

Most tax forms are mailed by the end of January. Your Janus Henderson tax forms are available when you login to your account. Annual supplementary tax and distribution documents are available for the past seven years.

Corrected tax forms are generally produced and mailed beginning in February. If you are signed up for E-delivery of tax forms, you will receive an email notice as soon as they are available online.

When will I receive notice that my tax forms are online?

Generally, most of your tax forms are available by Jan. 31. However, they may be online in mid-January. If you are signed up for E-delivery of tax forms you will receive an email as soon as they are available online.


Can you provide me with a duplicate tax form?

Duplicate tax forms for the current and prior tax year are available online. Log in to your account and click on the Statements & Tax Forms tab to access and print your tax forms.

I can't find my tax forms. Where are they located?

Every tax form that Janus Henderson produces is available through your online account, except Form 1042-S. Log in to your account and click on the Statements and Tax Forms tab to access and print your tax forms.

How can I get tax forms from prior years?

Tax forms for the past seven years are available online. Just log in to your account and click on the Statements & Tax Forms tab to access and print your tax forms.

Tax Form Delivery

How do I change the delivery method of my tax forms?

You can elect E-delivery of your tax forms to eliminate receiving paper versions in the mail. You will be alerted via email when your tax forms are online. Once you log in you may print your tax forms for record-keeping purposes.

How can I receive tax information at my new address?

The fastest way to get copies of your tax forms is by downloading them from the Statements and Tax Forms tab within your online account. You can also change your address online.

If you are unable to access your tax forms, please call Janus Henderson at 800.525.3713.

Why haven't I received a tax form for my account?

There are several reasons why you may not have received form 1099-DIV or other tax form for your account:

  • Your fund did not pay a distribution.
  • Your ordinary income and capital gains distributions from the fund totaled less than $10 and you had no backup withholding.
  • Your account is a retirement or Coverdell Education Savings Account and you did not make a redemption or contribution.

You may view your transaction history and determine any of these situations occurred.

How do I import tax info to my personal finance software?

Janus Henderson shareholders can automatically import data from tax forms into certain tax return software. You will be asked for your username and password to grant secure access to your account information.

Log in to your account.

If you don’t have a username and password, create an account today.

Register your account online.


  • Search for import in your TurboTax® Online program.
  • Click Jump to import in the search results.
  • On the Import Summary screen, click Add Other Documents.
  • On the next screen, Let Us Enter Your Bank and Brokerage Tax Documents, you'll be able to import your tax forms. TurboTax® will ask you to enter a user name and password to import your data. This is the user name and password you have already established for access to your Janus Henderson mutual fund accounts through

For more information, visit TurboTax®.


To activate an existing Quicken®  account

  • From the Tools menu, select Account List.
  • Click the Edit button on the account you would like to activate.
  • On the “Online Services” tab click the “Set up now…” button.
  • Enter “Janus Henderson” and click next.
  • Enter your username and password, select “Save this password” if using the password vault, and click “Connect.”
  • You should now see one or more accounts that you can activate. If you are activating an existing account, make sure the dropdown for that account says Link. If it says Add, change it to Link and select the correct account. If you do not do this, then the account will be added as a different account instead of being linked to the existing account. Click Next to continue.

Create a new Quicken®  account for online access

  • From the Tools menu select Add Account.
  • Enter the name of your bank and click Next.
  • Enter your credentials, select Save this password (if using password vault) and click Connect.
  • If you get a screen that allows you to select the account type(s) for discovered accounts, then select the type and click Next.

For more information, visit Quicken®.

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Tax Center

All the resources you need, all in one place to feel confident about your tax obligations.

Know Your Tax Forms

When it comes to taxes, being informed can help you plan and prepare. Tax forms are used to report certain transactions to the IRS.

Open a New Account

We’ll help you understand the basics and open an account that’s right for you.

Contact a Janus Henderson Representative

Our Janus Henderson Representatives will answer your questions and assist you through the movement of assets process. We are available at 800.525.3713 weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.