This style-agnostic fund seeks to identify the most compelling emerging market opportunities across countries and corporations in various stages of political and economic development.


All-Cap, Style-Agnostic Portfolio
We seek to uncover the most compelling opportunities across countries and regimes in various stages of economic and political development. We broaden the investable universe by looking outside of the index and diluting state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to create a pool of best ideas.

Robust Approach Focuses on the Intersection of Country, Governance and Fundamental Analysis
We identify investment ideas through an improving direction of travel in country, governance or fundamental analysis. Governance is a crucial factor in the investment process. Our belief is controlling shareholders often do not oversee the company in a manner that would benefit all shareholders and not all political regimes provide predictable rule of law.

Experienced Investment Manager Strives for Compelling Results
The Portfolio Manager has nearly a quarter-century of investment experience in this volatile asset class and has developed a unique perspective through his experience, background and culture. The Manager is supported by a sophisticated team of dedicated analysts that closely collaborates with the broader Firm’s complete roster of sector analysts.