Flexible. Thoughtful. Connected.

Our teams retain flexibility within a disciplined construct, resulting in individual strategies as well as custom-blended solutions – all within a rigorous risk management framework.


Fixed Income Assets Under Management

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Fixed Income Investment

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Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2024

Fixed Income Assets Under Management

Fixed Income Investment

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2024

Investment capabilities benefitting from:

  • A forward-looking approach that looks beyond benchmarks to put investor objectives at its core.
  • Collaborative teams that share and debate ideas globally but retain investment flexibility within a rigorous risk-management framework.
  • A range of actively-managed solutions from core bonds to multi-sector that reflects four decades of addressing clients’ evolving financial needs.

Featured strategies

Emerging Markets Debt Hard Currency

Seeking to capture market inefficiencies within emerging markets debt to generate alpha over the long-term.

Global High Yield

Aiming to access the total return potential of high yield bonds through a portfolio of diversified issuers, sectors and geography.

Investment Grade Credit

Our investment grade strategies combine top-down asset allocation with bottom-up, high conviction, ideas generated by our experienced sector specific credit analysts, predominantly focused on investment grade corporate bonds.


A rabbit leaping in long grass

Seasonality and supply: Will there be a spring bounce for high yield bonds?

A look at seasonal patterns in high yield and prospects for the coming months.

From the desk: EMD HC resilience underappreciated due to EM label

A look at EM debt hard currency’s resilience amid the tariff threat.

Top-performing U.S. fixed income sectors of 2024: Securitized outpaces the Agg

Ranking the best-performing U.S. fixed income sectors of 2024.

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