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The European Smaller Companies Trust PLC: Half-Year Results 2025


The Henderson Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc

Board Member

Victoria Sant

Independent Non-Executive Director

Victoria Sant

Date of Appointment
23 September 2016

Skills and Experience
Victoria brings a wide governance and stakeholder perspective to the Board with her in-depth ESG/SRI knowledge and experience, particularly through her roles at the Investor Forum and an endowment asset owner.
Victoria was an investment manager at the Wellcome Trust, where she was responsible for the outsourced long-only equity portion of the £18bn investment portfolio, and a trustee director of the pension scheme.

External Appointments
Victoria is managing director of the Investor Forum, a not-for-profit organisation facilitating engagement between institutional investors and UK-listed companies on long-term strategic and governance issues.

Victoria is chair of the investment committee of Crop Trust, a member of the investment committee of the National Trust endowment, and a member of the advisory board of Ownership Capital B.V., which is a Dutch equity manager focused on active ownership and ESG integration.