Why invest
Look beyond the UK to a wider world of growing income
The Henderson International Income Trust scours global markets with the goal of finding reliable and growing income from equities, with the added prospect of capital growth.
By investing in established and enduring companies beyond the UK (mainly in the US, Asia Pacific and Europe), the trust’s portfolio offers a truly diversified approach that is not bound by borders, benefiting from the diverse influences on stocks from different parts of the globe.
The portfolio is managed by Ben Lofthouse, Head of the Global Equity Income team at Janus Henderson Investors. He is supported by deputy fund manager Faizan Baig and Janus Henderson’s global team of over 340 investment professionals located around the world including in Denver and Singapore.
With a broad international remit and a long-term outlook, the Henderson International Income Trust aims to be a dependable option for diversified income – as shown by an enduring track record of dividend growth*.
Marketing Communication. Past performance does not predict future returns. The value of an investment and the income from it may go down as well as up and you may lose the amount originally invested. Past performance can be viewed here.
Why choose Henderson International Income Trust?
Income that aims to keep on growing
Henderson International Income Trust aims to deliver steady income growth over the long term with the added potential for capital gains. The team can use the investment trust structure to build up revenue reserves in good years to support dividend payments in more difficult times if needed, providing smoother returns over the long term. HINT has been added to the Association of Investment Company’s next generation of dividend heroes list, marking ten consecutive years of dividend increases.

Looking beyond the UK
The trust’s portfolio is globally diversified, and split into three key regions – the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe with none representing more than 50% by value of assets. This globally diversified portfolio, outside the relatively concentrated UK income market, is focused, without being overly concentrated into one region or theme. Investment ideas are sourced from our team of regional and thematic experts.
View our infographic depicting the widespread income opportunities outside the UK.
A dependable approach
The trust’s portfolio is driven by a rigorous, time-tested analytical process. The team identifies companies that have competitive positions and consistently deliver profits through different times in the market cycle. These leading companies combine high and growing dividends and capital growth potential.

Uncovering misunderstood market opportunities
The team invests in a wide range of industries but has a bias towards situations where they feel the market has misunderstood the long-term opportunities for a business due to short-term concerns, sometimes called ‘value’ opportunities.

Manager's perspective
Ben Lofthouse, Fund Manager for Henderson International Income Trust, is focused on looking beyond UK-based businesses and seeking a global selection of established, dividend-paying companies. The trust leverages the benefits of the trust structure (such as dividend smoothing) with the aim of providing consistent dividend growth, alongside capital growth.
“We look for companies that are leaders in their fields. Our objective is to provide investors with attractive, growing income and capital growth through diversified global stocks.”
– Ben Lofthouse, Fund Manager