Lowland Investment Company plc
The Lowland Investment Company invests in a blend of large, medium and small UK businesses with the objective of growing capital and income on behalf of our shareholders. The portfolio managers have a strong valuation focus and stocks are assessed on an individual basis following in-depth analysis.
Investment Objective: The Company aims to give shareholders a higher than average return with growth of both capital and income over the medium to long-term, by investing in a broad spread of predominantly UK Companies. The Company measures its performance against the FTSE All-Share Index Total Return.
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Strong valuation focus
Marketing Communication. Past performance does not predict future returns. The value of an investment and the income from it may go down as well as up and you may lose the amount originally invested. Past performance can be viewed here.
Progressive performance
When it comes to dividends, our goal is to provide shareholders with better-than-average dividend growth as well as maintain the quarterly progressive dividend policy.
Read more on our dedicated Dividend page
Home-grown growth
From big to small, the mainly UK stocks that make up the Lowland Investment Company are handpicked by our managers.
See the detailed breakdown
Read the latest research
Edison provides detailed research including on the portfolio and process.
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- The value of the trusts and the income from them is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you originally invested.
- Past performance does not predict future returns.
- Third party data is believed to be reliable, but its completeness and accuracy is not guaranteed.