Quick view: What does Labour’s UK election landslide mean for equities?
The UK election result offers investors the opportunity to refocus on the positive attributes of UK-listed companies. Portfolio managers Laura Foll and Andrew Jones explore what Labour’s significant majority means for UK equities and the broader economic outlook.

3 minute read
Key takeaways:
- Since Brexit, UK equities de-rated relative to overseas peers due to ongoing concerns among investors surrounding political instability and rising UK-EU tensions.
- Labour victory has potential to renew investor appetite for UK equities including a potential boost for domestic sectors such as construction.
- A major upshot of the election result is the potential for politics to ‘tread quieter’ on the UK equity market and the broader economy.
Sir Kier Starmer’s Labour party has secured a significant majority in the UK election. This brings with it a sense of political stability, a focus on reinvigorating the economy and relaxing trade barriers with the European Union (EU), all of which serve to buoy investor sentiment on UK equities, according to portfolio managers Laura Foll and Andrew Jones.
‘Boring is good’
Since the Brexit vote in 2016, UK equities have de-rated relative to overseas peers as a result of political uncertainty. This election result, however, brings with it the potential for politics to “tread quieter” on the UK equity market, allowing investors to refocus on the positive attributes of many UK-listed businesses.
It also brings the potential for the UK to have less barriers to trade with the EU, while remaining outside of the trading bloc. Prior to the election, Starmer had pledged to “tear down unnecessary barriers to trade” with the EU in his party’s manifesto. Starmer, however, has been clear that his party is not looking to rejoin the EU, nor the bloc’s single market and customs union.
‘Square the circle’
Ahead of the election, the Labour party had been clear in its focus on reinvigorating UK economic growth as a way to “square the circle” of improved funding for public services while remaining within its borrowing commitments. This aligns the interests of the UK equity market and the incoming government.
Higher UK economic growth would be a “clear positive” for domestically focussed equities, as it would create the potential for higher sales and earnings growth. While Labour’s proposed supply-side reforms are likely to take time to impact the economy, it could be the case that the incoming government is already inheriting an improved domestic backdrop, with the UK economy having already exited the shallow recession experienced in the second half of 2023.
Build back better?
An initial focus area for the incoming government seems to be housing, in particular a desire to increase the number of homes built per year. Many UK-listed businesses could see a positive impact were Labour to achieve these goals. Building materials companies, for example. have, in recent years, often seen earnings come under pressure as a result of depressed housebuilding volumes. Were Labour to achieve its housebuilding aims, building materials producers could see a meaningful pickup in demand, with a knock-on benefit to earnings.
Labour’s policy for growth is centred on reforming industrial strategy and planning procedures, with the goal to tackle the fundamental issues plaguing the UK’s economy, notably the alarmingly low investment rates.
While past Conservative administrations have pinpointed the planning system as a barrier to economic progress, they struggled to navigate the deep-seated resistance. Labour’s significant majority gives the means to implement this, and other, polices quickly.
These are the views of the author at the time of publication and may differ from the views of other individuals/teams at Janus Henderson Investors. References made to individual securities do not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security, investment strategy or market sector, and should not be assumed to be profitable. Janus Henderson Investors, its affiliated advisor, or its employees, may have a position in the securities mentioned.
Past performance does not predict future returns. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested.
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Important information
Please read the following important information regarding funds related to this article.
- If a Company's portfolio is concentrated towards a particular country or geographical region, the investment carries greater risk than a portfolio that is diversified across more countries.
- Some of the investments in this portfolio are in smaller company shares. They may be more difficult to buy and sell, and their share prices may fluctuate more than those of larger companies.
- This Company is suitable to be used as one component of several within a diversified investment portfolio. Investors should consider carefully the proportion of their portfolio invested in this Company.
- Active management techniques that have worked well in normal market conditions could prove ineffective or negative for performance at other times.
- The Company could lose money if a counterparty with which it trades becomes unwilling or unable to meet its obligations to the Company.
- Shares can lose value rapidly, and typically involve higher risks than bonds or money market instruments. The value of your investment may fall as a result.
- The return on your investment is directly related to the prevailing market price of the Company's shares, which will trade at a varying discount (or premium) relative to the value of the underlying assets of the Company. As a result, losses (or gains) may be higher or lower than those of the Company's assets.
- The Company may use gearing (borrowing to invest) as part of its investment strategy. If the Company utilises its ability to gear, the profits and losses incurred by the Company can be greater than those of a Company that does not use gearing.
Specific risks
- Shares/Units can lose value rapidly, and typically involve higher risks than bonds or money market instruments. The value of your investment may fall as a result.
- The Fund may use derivatives with the aim of reducing risk or managing the portfolio more efficiently. However this introduces other risks, in particular, that a derivative counterparty may not meet its contractual obligations.
- If the Fund holds assets in currencies other than the base currency of the Fund, or you invest in a share/unit class of a different currency to the Fund (unless hedged, i.e. mitigated by taking an offsetting position in a related security), the value of your investment may be impacted by changes in exchange rates.
- Securities within the Fund could become hard to value or to sell at a desired time and price, especially in extreme market conditions when asset prices may be falling, increasing the risk of investment losses.
- Some or all of the ongoing charges may be taken from capital, which may erode capital or reduce potential for capital growth.
- The Fund could lose money if a counterparty with which the Fund trades becomes unwilling or unable to meet its obligations, or as a result of failure or delay in operational processes or the failure of a third party provider.
Specific risks
- Shares/Units can lose value rapidly, and typically involve higher risks than bonds or money market instruments. The value of your investment may fall as a result.
- Shares of small and mid-size companies can be more volatile than shares of larger companies, and at times it may be difficult to value or to sell shares at desired times and prices, increasing the risk of losses.
- If a Fund has a high exposure to a particular country or geographical region it carries a higher level of risk than a Fund which is more broadly diversified.
- The Fund may use derivatives with the aim of reducing risk or managing the portfolio more efficiently. However this introduces other risks, in particular, that a derivative counterparty may not meet its contractual obligations.
- When the Fund, or a share/unit class, seeks to mitigate exchange rate movements of a currency relative to the base currency (hedge), the hedging strategy itself may positively or negatively impact the value of the Fund due to differences in short-term interest rates between the currencies.
- Securities within the Fund could become hard to value or to sell at a desired time and price, especially in extreme market conditions when asset prices may be falling, increasing the risk of investment losses.
- Some or all of the ongoing charges may be taken from capital, which may erode capital or reduce potential for capital growth.
- The Fund could lose money if a counterparty with which the Fund trades becomes unwilling or unable to meet its obligations, or as a result of failure or delay in operational processes or the failure of a third party provider.
- The Fund follows an investment style that creates a bias towards income-generating companies. This may result in the Fund significantly underperforming or outperforming the wider market.
Specific risks
- Shares/Units can lose value rapidly, and typically involve higher risks than bonds or money market instruments. The value of your investment may fall as a result.
- If a Fund has a high exposure to a particular country or geographical region it carries a higher level of risk than a Fund which is more broadly diversified.
- The Fund follows a responsible investment approach, which may cause it to be underweight in certain sectors (due to the avoidance criteria employed) and thus perform differently than funds that have a similar financial objective but which do not apply any avoidance criteria when selecting investments.
- The Fund may use derivatives with the aim of reducing risk or managing the portfolio more efficiently. However this introduces other risks, in particular, that a derivative counterparty may not meet its contractual obligations.
- Securities within the Fund could become hard to value or to sell at a desired time and price, especially in extreme market conditions when asset prices may be falling, increasing the risk of investment losses.
- Some or all of the ongoing charges may be taken from capital, which may erode capital or reduce potential for capital growth.
- The Fund could lose money if a counterparty with which the Fund trades becomes unwilling or unable to meet its obligations, or as a result of failure or delay in operational processes or the failure of a third party provider.
- The Fund follows an investment style that creates a bias towards income-generating companies. This may result in the Fund significantly underperforming or outperforming the wider market.
Specific risks
- Shares/Units can lose value rapidly, and typically involve higher risks than bonds or money market instruments. The value of your investment may fall as a result.
- An issuer of a bond (or money market instrument) may become unable or unwilling to pay interest or repay capital to the Fund. If this happens or the market perceives this may happen, the value of the bond will fall.
- When interest rates rise (or fall), the prices of different securities will be affected differently. In particular, bond values generally fall when interest rates rise (or are expected to rise). This risk is typically greater the longer the maturity of a bond investment.
- The Fund follows a responsible investment approach, which may cause it to be underweight in certain sectors (due to the avoidance criteria employed) and thus perform differently than funds that have a similar financial objective but which do not apply any avoidance criteria when selecting investments.
- The Fund may use derivatives with the aim of reducing risk or managing the portfolio more efficiently. However this introduces other risks, in particular, that a derivative counterparty may not meet its contractual obligations.
- If the Fund holds assets in currencies other than the base currency of the Fund, or you invest in a share/unit class of a different currency to the Fund (unless hedged, i.e. mitigated by taking an offsetting position in a related security), the value of your investment may be impacted by changes in exchange rates.
- Securities within the Fund could become hard to value or to sell at a desired time and price, especially in extreme market conditions when asset prices may be falling, increasing the risk of investment losses.
- The Fund could lose money if a counterparty with which the Fund trades becomes unwilling or unable to meet its obligations, or as a result of failure or delay in operational processes or the failure of a third party provider.