Defined Contribution

For over 45 years, we've been a trusted partner to financial professionals looking to grow their retirement business.


Why choose Janus Henderson?

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Depth of experience

We have global experience in managing investments on behalf of DC plans for over 45 years and meeting the needs of DC investors in North America, Australia and the UK.

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Innovative Investment solutions

We have a history of working with trustees and plan sponsors across a range of asset classes, to build investment solutions that meet specific DC needs.

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Client focused

We are highly experienced in working with DC clients and the platforms upon which our funds reside to deliver a holistic client service experience.

Why choose Janus Henderson?

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Depth of experience

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Innovative Investment solutions

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Client focused

Meet your Janus Henderson DC specialists

We offer support at a local, regional, and national level.

Dave Whitehair's Janus Henderson Investors headshot

Dave Whitehair
Director of Institutional Business, DC
Tel: 020 7818 2810

Ben Ford's Janus Henderson Investors headshot

Ben Ford
Director of Institutional Business, UK Consultant Relations
Tel: +44 (0) 207 818 5627

Our approach to DC

Through our experience, we recognize that DC default design continues to evolve, responding to the growth in assets and changes to regulation. We structure our DC investment solutions by aiming to meet specific requirements across each stage of the glide path.


Investment priority

  • Long-term capital appreciation

Key DC member risk

  • Missing out on investment growth

Investment solution

  • Return seeking assets, namely equity markets

Global Sustainable Equity Fund

By focusing on companies that have a positive impact on the environment and society, our low-carbon investment approach aims to deliver compounding growth and attractive investment returns.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and the income
from it can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested.


Investment priority

  • Long-term capital appreciation with protection against drawdowns

Key DC member risk

  • Large and sustained reductions in fund value

Investment solution

  • A mix of growth and diversifying assets, namely multi asset solutions

Diversified Alternatives Fund

The Fund aims to provide capital growth, over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the Consumer Price Index by 3% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.

Diversified Growth Fund

An actively managed multi-asset portfolio that aims to deliver returns comparable to global equities over the medium term, but with lower volatility.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and the income
from it can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested.


Investment priority

  • Protect accrued fund value for material falls in value and align investments with retirement

Key DC member risk

  • Falls in fund value

Investment solution

  • Defensive and diversified assets, namely diversified fixed income

Absolute Return Fixed Income Fund

A strategy that seeks positive returns above cash by investing primarily in fixed income securities and associated derivatives.

Asset-Backed Securities Fund

A high quality, conservatively managed fixed income solution aiming to provide downside resilience over cycles.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and the income
from it can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested.


DC members select from a range of investment options

  • Annuity
  • Cash
  • Income Drawdown

The Pension Freedom legislation, introduced in 2015, have led to a dramatic change in the way in which DC members can convert their accumulated DC savings pot into a source of retirement finance. The need for income generating investment options is fast becoming an important component within decumulation investment design, as more people consider income drawdown.

At Janus Henderson we have a range of investment options where generating a sustainable level of income is central to the investment objective. These include:

  • Global Dividend Equities
  • Defensive Equities
  • Strategic and Multi Asset Fixed Income
  • Multi Asset Income
  • Property

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and the income
from it can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested.


“ESG investing and considerations are evolving quickly; so is our thinking. Our heritage and expertise allow us to partner with clients on this journey and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.”


Credit Risk Monitor – Pain delayed?

Jim Cielinski, Global Head of Fixed Income, discusses the sharp rise in rates and the very gradual deterioration in the credit cycle.

Navigating change: Three drivers for long-term investment positioning

Ali Dibadj outlines the macroeconomic drivers likely to shape the coming decade and why these suit an active approach to investing.

Credit Risk Monitor – Goldilocks and the three bulls?

Jim Cielinski, Global Head of Fixed Income, discusses the positive shift in two long-term credit cycle indicators.

Defined contribution insights

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