The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term. Performance target: To outperform the Russell/Nomura Small Cap Index by 2.5% per annum, before the deduction of charges, over any 5 year period.


The Fund invests at least two-thirds of its assets in a portfolio of shares (equities) and equity-related securities of smaller companies, in any industry, in Japan. The Fund may also invest in other assets including companies of any size, cash and money market instruments. The Investment Manager may use derivatives (complex financial instruments) to reduce risk or to manage the Fund more efficiently. The Fund is actively managed with reference to the Russell/Nomura Small Cap Index, which is broadly representative of the companies in which it may invest, as this forms the basis of the Fund's performance target and the level above which performance fees may be charged (if applicable). The Investment Manager has discretion to choose investments for the Fund with weightings different to the index or not in the index, but at times the Fund may hold investments similar to the index.


The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested.
Potential investors must read the prospectus, and where relevant, the key investor information document before investing.
This website is a Marketing Communication and does not qualify as an investment recommendation.


  • Positioned to benefit from a recovery in Japan’s economy and improving corporate governance to generate long-term capital appreciation
  • High-conviction strategy leveraging more than 40 years’ experience in Japanese equities
  • Invests in the smallest 25% of listed Japanese companies by market capitalisation, which the team believes are set to benefit most from a domestic recovery
Past performance does not predict future returns. 


Alpha Manager Yunyoung Lee
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Lipper Fund Awards based on Horizon Japanese Smaller Companies Fund Class A2 USD shares only. Availability of  this share class may be limited by law in certain jurisdictions. Performance records are detailed on the specific KIID, fees and charges may vary and further information can be found in the fund’s prospectus and KIID which must be reviewed before investing. Please consult your local sales representative if you have any further queries.