To celebrate over 30 years of sustainable investing we take a look back at the developments that have shaped sustainable investing and the world we live in today.



1980s image
  • 1987

    Our common future (brundtland report)

    The report outlines the need for sustainable development.

  • 1988

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is created

    The IPCC is dedicated to the communication and study of human-induced climate change.

  • 1989

    Ozone-depleting substances are phased out

    The Montreal Protocol internationally recognizes the damage that ozone-depleting substances have on the environment.

1990s image
  • 1990

    Finland becomes the first country to tax CO2

  • 1991

    The Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Strategy is launched

  • 1995

    COP1 in Berlin, Germany

    The first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change takes place.

  • Global life expectancy reaches 65 years of age, doubling in nearly 100 years

    In 1900, global life expectancy was predicted to be only 32 years of age.

  • 1996

    First “Mass” produced electric car goes into production

    General Motors releases the EV1.

2000s image
  • 2002

    The Bangladesh Government are the first to impose a total ban on lightweight plastic bags

  • 2006

    Janus Henderson becomes a founding signatory and member of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment

  • 2008

    The first lithium-ion powered electric car comes to market

    The Tesla Roadster is delivered to customers after four years of development.

2010s image
  • 2011

    The human population reaches 7 billion

    It took 123 years to reach two billion in 1927 and only 12 years for the population to increase by one billion in 2011.

  • 2012

    UN declares the sustainable development goals

    The 17 UN SDGs are the blueprint for a sustainable future.

  • 2015

    Paris agreement

    Nearly 200 countries pledge to limit global warming to 2°C from pre-industrial levels by 2100.

  • Costa Rica runs on 100% renewable energy

    This is the first time that a country has run on only renewable energy.

  • 2018

    Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg ushers in a new generation of activism

  • 2019

    The first plant-based meat alternative goes public

    Beyond Meat, a food alternative to the carbon intense farming industry, is valued at $1.5bn.

2020s image
  • 2020

    Renewable energy overtakes fossil fuels in Europe

    For the first time ever, renewable sources generate 38% of Europe's electricity, compared to 37% for fossil fuels.

  • 2021

    COP26 Glasgow                               

  • 2021

    The US Sustainable Equity Strategy is launched

  • 2022

    Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Funds assessed as NZC20


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