Robust. Fundamental. Dynamic.

Our teams exercise independent thought with high conviction, resulting in portfolios that we believe are well positioned to address our clients' challenges – all within robust risk control frameworks.


Equities Assets Under Management

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Equities Investment

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Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2024

<span class="notranslate">no data</span>

Equities Assets Under Management

Equities Investment

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2024

We measure success by a single factor: client outcomes. As a pure asset manager, our sole mission is to deliver consistent long-term risk-adjusted returns that exceed our benchmarks and peers, regardless of the prevailing investment landscape.

Featured strategies

Pan-European Equity

A large cap core Pan European equities strategy.

US Small Cap Growth

Our in-depth fundamental research strategy seeks resilient small-cap companies using their competitive advantages to grow over a multi-year time frame.

Global Property Equities

Our team of property specialists leverage local market insight, creating a truly active portfolio that seeks long-term capital appreciation.


JH Explorer: A trip to India does not disappoint

Innovation, reform, and restless energy are propelling the modernization of India’s economy.

Quick View: What investors should know from NVIDIA’s GTC 2025

Main learnings from NVIDIA’s annual technology conference, a notable market event highlighting the rapid progression of the AI revolution, including the investment opportunities.

Global Perspectives: What’s next for booming weight-loss drugs

New GLP-1 weight-loss drugs have already hit $50 billion in annual sales – and look to have plenty of room to grow.

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