Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Global Multi-Sector - Janus Henderson Investors - Asia ex Japan Institutional
For institutional investors in Asia

Global Multi-Sector

A dynamic global bond fund that seeks superior risk-adjusted returns relative to the benchmark over a market cycle



We seek superior risk-adjusted returns relative to the benchmark over a market cycle. The portfolio combines a longerterm strategic asset allocation with a tactical component seeking to add incremental return from alpha opportunities. Portfolio allocations are dynamically adjusted based on opportunities identified through fundamental research, macro assessment and risk budgeting framework.

The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance does not predict future returns.



Risk management
Our risk process is focused on understanding portfolio behaviours and adjusting the risk budget over a market cycle, seeking to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns relative to the benchmark.

Cross asset collaboration
We draw on the input and experience of specialists across different asset classes. Incorporating these insights results in a deeper understanding of the current investment regime, helping us to identify the major turning points and specific opportunities.

Scenario-driven research
Investment decisions are made through a probabilistic lens, not a central forecast. Our assessment is informed by considering the distribution of potential outcomes and in turn a focus on relative attractiveness of fixed income sectors.

This website is a marketing communication.

Portfolio Management

Greg Wilensky, CFA

Head of US Fixed Income/Head of Core Plus | Portfolio Manager

Industry since 1993. Joined Firm in 2020.

Helen Anthony, CFA

Portfolio Manager

Industry since 2010. Joined Firm in 2010.
