Flexible. Thoughtful. Connected.

Our teams retain flexibility within a disciplined construct, resulting in individual strategies as well as custom-blended solutions – all within a rigorous risk management framework.


Fixed Income Assets Under Management

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Fixed Income Investment

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Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2024

Fixed Income Assets Under Management

Fixed Income Investment

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 December 2024

Investment capabilities benefitting from:

  • A forward-looking approach that looks beyond benchmarks to put investor objectives at its core.
  • Collaborative teams that share and debate ideas globally but retain investment flexibility within a rigorous risk-management framework.
  • A range of actively-managed solutions from core bonds to multi-sector that reflects four decades of addressing clients’ evolving financial needs.

Featured strategies

Collateralised Loan Obligations

Providing exposure to high-quality, floating rate collateralised loan obligations (CLOs), which are designed to offer diversification benefits and low volatility with low downgrade risk.

Global Multi-Sector

A dynamic global bond fund that seeks superior risk-adjusted returns relative to the benchmark over a market cycle.

Global Investment Grade

Our investment grade strategies combine top-down asset allocation with bottom-up, high conviction, ideas generated by our experienced sector specific credit analysts, predominantly focused on investment grade corporate bonds.


Building better portfolios with global corporate credits

How investors can fortify bond allocations by seeking out the unique market structures and pricing differentials available in the global corporate credit market.

The European Commission launched a targeted consultation into the effectiveness of the EU securitisation framework

European Securitisation Regulations summary

Here we look at navigating the regulatory frameworks around investing in the European securitised market.

Quick View – The Fed’s March decision: Hard data trump policy uncertainty

Despite uncertainty surrounding a raft of Trump administration initiatives, steady economic data caused the Fed to hold firm.