Independent. Unique. Diversified.

Our teams create diversity while reducing volatility – all within cross-asset class combinations of alpha generation, risk management and efficient beta replication strategies.


Alternatives Assets Under Management

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Alternatives Investment

vd-icon_Bulleye_Target v3

Average Years’ Financial
Industry Experience

As at 31 March 2024

Alternatives Assets Under Management

Alternatives Investment

Average Years’

As at 31 March 2024

Investment capabilities benefitting from:

  • Specialised skills that seek to capture alpha from a broad range of opportunities
  • A globally positioned, highly experienced investment team that believes in challenging conventional thinking
  • A multi-dimensional approach and focus on risk management that helps us to deliver blended offerings

Featured Strategies

Multi Strategy

This market-neutral, alternative strategy invests across a diversified set of bottom-up strategies combined with a top-down "protection" strategy.

The portfolio protection investment strategy of the Multi Strategy portfolio does not guarantee protection.


Can liquid alternatives strategies ride a pickup in M&A activity in 2024?

With M&A activity showing signs of a potentially significant revival in 2024, David Elms, Head of Diversified Alternatives, and Julius Bird, Client Portfolio Manager, discuss what this could mean for investors allocating to alternatives.

Absolute returns: two decades of balancing growth and risk

How do you construct an absolute return strategy to stand the test of time?

Absolute return: Add a little bit of stock dispersion… and stir

With stock dispersion once again at the fore, offering greater potential for uncorrelated returns, is this ingredient that absolute return investors have been waiting for?