Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Australian Fixed Interest Fund - Institutional - Janus Henderson Investors - Australia Professional Adviser
For financial professionals in Australia

Australian Fixed Interest Active ETF

A fundamentally driven approach seeking to take advantage of situations where market pricing has become misaligned with economic and investment fundamentals.


NAV Per Unit (interim)
As of 28/03/2025

NAV Per Unit (final)
As of 28/03/2025

As of 31/03/2025 16:11:54pm AEDT



The Fund seeks to achieve a total return after fees that exceeds the total return of the Benchmark (Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index), over rolling three-year periods.


As a diversified portfolio of government, semi-government, corporate and asset backed securities, this fund aims to be a good diversifier against the equity or growth exposure of an investor’s portfolio.

The Fund seeks to achieve a total return after fees that exceeds the total return of the Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index, over rolling three-year periods.

In managing the Fund, the Manager applies a range of strategies that include duration and yield curve management, sector allocation and individual security selection.

Key Information

NAV Per Unit (interim) $50.3917 As of 28/03/2025
NAV Per Unit (final) $50.3917 As of 28/03/2025
iNAV Loading
Exchange Cboe Australia
Exchange code / Ticker JFIX
ARSN 100 098 413
Underlying fund inception date 31 Aug 2002
Investment Manager Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Institutional
Funds Management Limited
Portfolio Manager Jay Sivapalan, CFA
Management costs 0.38% p.a.
Performance fee Nil
Distribution frequency Quarterly (if any)
Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP) Full participation available
ETF Assets Under Management (AUM)

Portfolio Management

Jay Sivapalan, CFA

Head of Australian Fixed Interest | Portfolio Manager

Industry since 1998. Joined Firm in 2015.


Cumulative & Annualised Performance (%)
As of 28/02/2025
Australian Fixed Interest Active ETF Bloomberg Ausbond Composite (0+ Year)
  Cumulative Annualised
1MO 3MO 6MO 1YR 3YR 5YR 10YR Since Inception
Australian Fixed Interest Active ETF - - - - - - - 1.10
Bloomberg Ausbond Composite (0+ Year) - - - - - - - 0.96
