
Our approach to ESG integration is thoughtful, practical, research-based, and forward-looking

We identify financially material Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, and leverage our long-standing focus on deep research to assess the impact of these issues on companies’ cashflows, valuations, and discount rates.

Responsible investing highlights

As investment professionals, our first responsibility is, and always has been, to our clients' interests and goals – growing and smartly managing their capital and fulfilling our fiduciary responsibilities. Client demand is also increasing for us to invest with processes that incorporate financially material ESG and sustainability factors. We are recognised as a corporate and as an investor for our strong Responsibility practices.


Principles for Responsible Investment Rating

>80/100 in all PRI

Star icon

Janus Henderson Group MSCI Rating

Maintained AAA

Cog technology icon


84% of AUM integrates
ESG factors

Three ring icon

UK Stewardship Code Member

Since the Code's

All data as at 31 December 2023

Our ESG integration process

Global investment strength

With more than 340 investment professionals around the world, we benefit from a range of perspectives that we test and share as we seek to differentiate between the winners and losers on behalf of our clients.

ESG integration

Our in-house ESG subject matter experts conduct ESG research and proxy voting, oversee ESG data, thought leadership and regulations, and advise on ESG product development.


Our stewardship approach

Stewardship is an integral and natural part of Janus Henderson’s long-term, active approach to investment management.

Strong ownership practices, such as management engagement can help protect and enhance long-term shareholder and bondholder value, and proxy voting practices, can also influence long-term shareholder value.
