Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – Changes to Fund
With effect on and from 14 November 2022, two fund changes have been made to the Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund. These are reflected in an updated Product Disclosure Document (PDS).
Incorrect management fee charges for selected closed funds
An error has been identified in the calculation and charging of management fees on selected closed Janus Henderson Funds. See list of impacted funds here.
Termination of Global Equity Income Fund
As the responsible entity of the Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund (ARSN 604 135 784, APIR HGI0005AU, hereafter ‘the Fund’), Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Funds Management Limited has determined that given the limited assets in the Fund, the Fund will be terminated.
Incorrect management fee charges for period ending 30 June 2021
An error has been identified in the calculation and charging of management fees on selected Janus Henderson Funds to the period ending 30 June 2021. See list of impacted funds here.
Janus Henderson Australian Fixed Interest Fund – Changes to management costs
With effect from 1 July 2021 onwards, the management fee of the Janus Henderson Australian Fixed Interest Fund will be reduced from 0.47% to 0.45% per annum of the assets of the Fund.