Payment of additional proceeds resulting from historical investment
The following information details a payment that will be distributed to unitholders of the now-closed Janus Henderson Australian Equity, Australian Equity – Institutional and High Conviction Australian Equity Funds as a result of a historical class action.
Update on Australian Fixed Interest distributions
The following provides an update on distributions for investors in the Janus Henderson Australian Fixed Interest Fund and Janus Henderson Australian Fixed Interest Fund – Institutional.
Janus Henderson Global Natural Resources Fund – Estimated Distribution for June 2023
Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Funds Management Limited wishes to advise of the forthcoming estimated distribution for the period ending 30 June 2023.
Update on Credit Suisse
The following provides an update on exposure to Credit Suisse in Janus Henderson funds. In light of the changing environment, we will continue to monitor price movements, evaluate the regulatory response, and assess liquidity risks as this situation unfolds.
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – Institutional – Changes to Fund
With effect on and from 14 November 2022, two fund changes have been made to the Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund. These are reflected in an updated Product Disclosure Document (PDS).