Flexible. Thoughtful. Connected.

Our teams retain flexibility within a disciplined framework, resulting in individual strategies as well as blended solutions - all within a rigorous risk management framework


Fixed Income Assets Under Management

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Fixed Income Investment

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Average Years' Financial
Industry Experience

As at 30 September 2024

Investment capabilities benefitting from:

  • A forward-looking approach that looks beyond benchmarks to put investor objectives at its core.
  • Collaborative teams that share and debate ideas globally but retain investment flexibility within a rigorous risk-management framework.
  • A range of actively-managed solutions from core bonds to multi-sector that reflects four decades of addressing clients’ evolving financial needs.

Featured funds

Tactical Income Fund

Diversifying fixed interest exposure with the ease of investing in only one product.

Diversified Credit Fund

A well-diversified portfolio of Australian and global credit securities for investors seeking higher yielding risk-adjusted outcomes over time.

Australian Fixed Interest Fund

A fundamentally driven approach seeking to take advantage of situations where market pricing has become misaligned with economic and investment fundamentals.

Sustainable Credit Fund

A diversified credit portfolio of debt securities issued by companies with robust sustainable practices or the potential to enhance outcomes for society or the planet.

Conservative Fixed Interest Fund

A fundamentally driven approach seeking to take advantage of situations where market pricing has become misaligned with economic and investment fundamentals.

Cash Fund - Institutional

A cash fund for investors seeking to outperform the money market benchmark with a liquidity and capital preservation focus.


Quick View – The Fed decision: Higher growth comes at a price

A Fed statement with hawkish undertones illustrates that sustained U.S. economic growth comes at the price of higher rates.

Employees speaking around a table.

Diversity and Inclusion – Beyond gender

Liz Harrison, Fixed Interest Strategist – ESG in the Australian Fixed Interest team, showcases how the financial sector can contribute to building a more equitable society and takes a closer look at the innovative financial mechanisms, such as social bonds, that aim to bridge the gap in inclusion and social diversity.

2025 outlook: A brighter start with some bumps along the way…

Jay Sivapalan, Head of Australian Fixed Interest shares the investment outlook for 2025 and identifies the macro themes and opportunities investors should take into consideration as they navigate the future of fixed income.


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